More individuals are going for car or vehicle leasing as a great way for them to drive around in a brand new vehicle, and if you are attracted to car leasing, it pays to know what you can really expect from it. Here’s one aspect that makes vehicle leasing an attractive option for many: instead of paying full price for a vehicle or acquiring a loan just so you can purchase it, you can simply pay a deposit and for the use of the vehicle via monthly payments that will cover the vehicle’s depreciation.
Once the term ends, you will simply give back the car and have the option to go for a new agreement or contract – with another brand new vehicle, of course. The main benefit of vehicle leasing is it is affordable; it is more affordable than other options, and it gives you the chance to get a model with higher specs without spending too much for it. But before you go out and secure a deal, it also pays to know what you should think about so you can make the most of it. Here, then, are the top aspects you need to consider when leasing a vehicle.
- Estimating the mileage for your leased vehicle
The monthly payment you have for a contract hire or leasing deal will be based on the likely depreciation of the vehicle, and this is one reason why you will be asked for an estimate of your yearly mileage before you sign the contract. It is therefore essential that you consider your mileage and weigh it up carefully – be realistic about your mileage because if you overestimate the mileage, you may pay more every month, but if you underestimate your mileage, you will end up with excess fees at the end of the term.
Be accurate when estimating your mileage, and even if you may have the choice of extending it, you will save both time and money if you get it right from the outset, as confirmed by car leasing experts like Diamond Contract Hire.
- Know the meaning of ‘fair wear and tear’
At the end of the lease deal or term, you will return the vehicle to the leasing company, as you already know. But most agreements will also come with reasonable considerations for ‘fair wear and tear’ for the vehicle, which means that you won’t have to settle any extra charge if your vehicle is not returned in the most pristine condition.
The best thing you can do when it comes to this is familiarise yourself with guidelines for fair wear and tear before you hand back the vehicle so you can avoid any unexpected fees.
- Determine your initial payment
Most car lease deals will require an initial payment, and you can usually choose the amount of the initial payment yourself. If, however, you opt for a smaller initial payment, you may increase your monthly payments, but larger initial payments will give you the opposite result. It would be best to calculate how much you can really afford and weigh up your options so you can manage your expenditure in the best way.